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Version 2020.600/605 Released - Report Runner Batch and Report Runner Viewer

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  1. NEW: Added a new feature called "Files". Now, you can attach an unlimited number of files during the email process. This is a batch-specific option, so the files will apply to ALL emails in a batch. There is a new group in the batch-specific options called "[Files]". You simply specify an unlimited number of files, from 1 to infinity, that you want to attach to outgoing emails. It works in bursts and non-bursts. All settings are available in the right-click menu within the batch-specific settings editor.
  2. NEW: Previously, when you jn-variables (Crystal formulas), only the first record of a report would be read. Now, with the batch-specific INI setting under the [Options] group ReadLastRecordForVariables=YES, you can direct the batch to read/set all variables using the last record in the report.
  3. NEW: Added a batch-specific INI setting under the [Options] group ForceTextEncodingToUTF8=YES to ensure text exports are saved as UTF8 encoding. This was added, because if you're exporting manually generated XML formatting from Crystal Reports, it is not usually in UTF8 format, and it makes the generated XML file unreadable.
  4. NEW: There is a new text-based, "quick", scheduling report. In Scheduler interface, click [Task Scheduler] button, and there is now a 5th option. This will generate a super-fast overview of ALL tasks scheduled (Jeff-Net and non-Jeff-Net) in the root schedule folder. This was done to help debug scheduling issues and duplicate schedules. The report includes information to show the next 5 runs of a schedule, too.
  5. Improved: Made some tweaks to the Event Server Mail Rules (which are processed by the Batch engine) to speed up mail processing.
  6. Improved: Updated batch intelligence to prevent jobs in the same batch from using the same date/time stamp.
  7. Improved: Adjusted mail DLL memory cleanup settings and added some log file messages related to this
  8. Updated: Added new log file messages to display what version of Event Server is installed on the Batch machine). This includes updating a DLL which is used for mail processing and other tasks.
  9. Bug Fix: In a previous release, we started checking DSNs used in reports and whether they were installed or not; we fixed a bug where upper/lower case creation of DSNs will giving a false trigger of the DSN not existing (this was only in the log file display --- it did not affect the running of the report).
  10. Bug Fix: Fixed a random issue with repeating schedules where the schedule was running one too many times.
  11. Change: Updated Jeff-Net web store URLs in software to point to new Report Runner web store.

  1. Updated: Added log file messages to display more Enterprise Viewer settings

This is not a critical release. It is critical if you're not on at least version 2020.360, and we really recommend being on 2020.550 or later due to all the recent new features.

As always, to update, you only need to run the Updater (just once), to update your software (no matter the current version you are on).


As a reminder, we now support SP26 and later of the Crystal runtime engine. It will install a sub-directory in the program files directory Jeff-Net\Report Runner called SP26OrLater (there is also an SP20OrBefore and and SP21ToSP25). Once SP26 or later is installed, just copy the executable from that SP26OrLater directory to the main Jeff-Net\Report Runner directory.

It is not recommended to move to SP26 or later unless you need to as it will break many other Crystal-dependent software packages.


One last note... if you happened to download 2020.590/595 while it was briefly available, please update to this 2020.600/605 release. We made one change to that release to prevent [Files] processing when it's a notification reports being emailed.

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