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Version 2013.173 Released - Report Runner Batch, Viewer, Documentor, and Event Server

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  1. Re-arranged the batch-specific INI settings so they are more readable; related settings are now grouped together; we are not fans of making mass interface changes, but we felt re-arranging these settings made it much easier to work with them
  2. Added some date and time options for parameter values with GlobalParameterTimeFormat setting in JNRRB.INI; these changes were made for special use cases; most users do not need these new options
  3. Fixed a minor bug with time-based parameters and expressions
  4. Fixed a minor date bug with Global Monitoring; some global date formats were not storing correctly
  5. Added automatic printer retrying if printer is offline (or network hiccup); up to 5 attempts will be made with a one minute wait between each retry
  6. Added better error catching for catastrophic printer issues
  7. Added better error catching for catastrophic export issues
  8. Improved error messages for scheduled reports that fail due to network resources being unavailable
  9. ZipOnFILE batch-specific INI setting added to allow for zipping File exports
  10. New log file messages
  11. PDFBurstMerge anomolies (merging files from a directory and there are no files found for a given wildcard value) are now shown on Burst Exception report
  12. Added ID/password support for proxy servers in licensing process
  13. Fixed a scheduler bug where double-clicking on empty schedule list crashed app
  14. Added ParameterList naming keyword to return more than one parameter value from a SQL-based expression

  1. Fixed a minor date bug with Global Monitoring; some global date formats were not storing correctly
  2. New log file messages
  3. Added ID/password support for proxy servers in licensing process

  1. Fixed a bug where the maximum field size was overflowing (and not saving); the search data that was being saved to the VarChar(4000) size fields is now limited to 4000 characters total
  2. Fixed a bug where report properties are missing or null (older report templates)
Event Server (2013.50)

  1. SQL rules modified to allow for specific rules to be run only in certain time windows on same day; if no time window is defined, they are still run/checked 24 hours per day
  2. Added some logic to reduce/eliminate log files for rule packs that are not turned on (if you had SQL rules enabled, but not File rules, you would still see a File rules log file)
  3. When RPT files are placed into Input queue to create web templates, added parameter defaults for date and times, as well as, high/low range-based parameters

This is not a critical release, but is highly recommended. This is the first official release since 2013.166. We've had a number of test releases since then. If you are on one of the in-between test releases, please upgrade to this final release.

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